This site is operated by ID Funds Advisor LLC (“ID Fund”), an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration of an investment advisor does not imply any particular level of skills, training or expertise. All investment advisory services are provided by ID Fund to affiliated private funds (“Affiliated Funds”) and are not tailored individually to any investor in any Affiliated Fund. Click here to review ID Funds’ Form ADV Part 2A (also known as the “Client Brochure”).

The content of this website is not a solicitation to invest in any Affiliated Fund. Any such solicitation may be provided only through the definitive offering documentation and materials that are available on the investor portal (the “Portal”) maintained by ID Fund and its affiliates for such purpose. Any summaries, data or information provided on this website are not complete and do not include all the information a prospective investor should consider prior to making a decision to invest in any Affiliated Fund. Investors should carefully review all the definitive offering documents and materials on the Portal, including the summary of investment risks, before making a decision to invest. Investing in securities involves risks, including the risk of losing the principal. Investment performance or any investment results can never be guaranteed. Investing in private non-public securities is speculative and requires the investor to have a high level of risk tolerance which should be carefully considered by the investor prior to making any investment decisions. Moreover, private securities are highly illiquid. Investors who are not prepared to hold their interest for a long term (at least 3-5 years) should not invest. Please note that prospective investors are required to establish an account on the Portal prior to having access to these offering documents and materials. Establishing an account on the Portal includes providing certain self-attestations, an identity verification (click here to learn more) and executing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Securities, when offered, may be offered through Parker Street Securities LLC (751 Park of Commerce Drive, Suite 128, Boca Raton, FL 33487, (561) 462-1200), a broker-dealer, member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Please review Parker Street Securities LLC’s Relationship Summary (Form CRS) here.

FOR CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS OF BRAZIL: The Affiliated Funds, or shares thereof, have not been registered with the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”) nor have they been submitted to the foregoing agency for approval. Consequently, they may not be offered or sold in Brazil except in circumstances that do not constitute a public offering or distribution under Brazilian laws and regulations. Documents relating to the interest or shares in the Funds, as well as the information contained therein are confidential and are being provided privately to a limited number of “professional investors” as this term is defined by Brazilian laws and regulations issued by CVM. “Professional investor” means individuals or legal entities that hold financial investments in an amount greater that BRL 10,000,000.00 (ten million Brazilian Reals). By accepting receipt of or reading any part of these materials, the recipient agrees to treat them confidentially. No part of these materials nor the proprietary information contained herein may be (i) copied, photocopied, or duplicated in any way by any means; or (ii) distributed without the prior written consent by ID Fund. There is no guarantee that ID Fund will be able to implement its strategy or achieve its investment objectives for the Funds. These materials are not intended to provide and should not be considered under any circumstances as financial advice, investment analysis, nor should they be considered as a recommendation for the purchase of any securities.

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© ID Funds Advisor LLC 2023